Our next Baptisms are Sunday, September 1st at 1pm. If you would like to get baptized, please fill out this form.

At Element, we believe baptism is making a public statement about your life and commitment to walk in the ways Jesus calls you to. Many people only get the Jesus “as seen on TV” and don’t understand what Jesus does in “real life” or what following Him looks like on a practical level…so we not only baptize people, but have them write their stories as well.
Baptism is not magical, but it is a deeply spiritual event that reflects the work Jesus has done in our lives. The act of baptism is symbolic in that we identify with the death and resurrection of Christ. We are essentially being buried (by going under the water) and raised to walk in new life (by coming out of the water).
The entire point is public identification with Christ and His work within us. He is our great God and Savior that has come to restore a broken humanity separated from God by sin. He is the redeemer, He is the remedy, He is the hope, and He is our life.
Element believes that every person who has submitted their life to Jesus as Lord should be baptized. There are other churches who baptize infants and very young children, but we hold that the decision to be baptized should be made by one with enough understanding to do so.
How is a person different before and after baptism, or are they different at all? At Element, we hold that baptism is a public profession of faith, showing the world that someone has submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ and believed in Him as Savior.
If you would like to get baptized, fill out the form on the right and someone will be in touch.
If you would like to read some of Element’s baptism stories, we encourage you to click here.
We also hope that, one day, you too will come to the saving knowledge of, and trusting relationship with, Jesus. It makes all the difference in the world.
See Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 8:38–39, Romans 6:4–5, Acts 1:5, 2:33, 10:44–45, Acts 22:16 and Titus 3:5.
Baptism Sign Up
We love baptisms and if you are ready to be baptized, or simply to learn more, let us know. We will walk you through every step of the way.
To Glorify God by teaching and living out the Scriptures, transforming community into Gospel Community, and planting churches.