Our Blog
Happiness, Contentment, and Sobriety
I was reading an article on ESPN two days ago. For me (yes, Aaron), that is an odd way to start a blog because I do not normally (or ever) read ESPN, their website, or sports commentary. I would rather play sports than watch them or read about them. I am pretty...
What the What? True Confession
The following is a blog post written by Christie Marangi: True confession: I’m not good at vulnerable. Because I’m not good at vulnerable I’ve put this blog post off for far too long. I’m going to be honest, this one hits me close to home, and in answering it, I...
Q&A: Peter’s Vision
Years ago, a friend of ours told us he believed that Christians misinterpret Peter’s sheet vision in Acts 10 to mean that we can literally eat all kinds of animals previously considered unclean. Peter’s vision is later explained (as you've pointed out in recent...
Book Review: Zealot
This is a review that I did on my Goodreads page for the book Zealot by Reza Aslan, I thought it would be helpful for you as well. A friend of mind read this review and said I sounded angry, I don’t think I am angry as much as frustrated. Let me start by addressing...
What Is Meta For?
A few weeks ago Eric Djafroodi gave a message about Stephen’s sermon in front of the religious leaders of his day. Stephen was the first deacon in the Church that was martyred for his faith. As I sat in service listening to the message, various things struck me and...
Truth and Meaning
I try very hard to look at the Bible objectively, to teach you as best as I can so you will see the Scriptures as they were meant to be seen, but I also know that is somewhat impossible. I don’t say that to diminish your trust in my teaching or your trust in the...
Crux Sola Est Nostra Theologia
If you just read the title of this blog and thought, “Did Marianne’s cat walk across Aaron’s keyboard?” the answer would be a resounding, “No.” Sometimes I get in these moods where I want to just write something for the fun of it…that usually means something no one...
Live The Message
The start of this blog is more of a public apology to Eric Djafroodi. If you were at Element last Sunday morning, you know that I gave him the longest section of Scripture to preach on in Element’s history. As I was sitting at his practice run-through (AKA 1st...
The Gospel and…
A couple of weeks ago in his message titled Acts 14: A Hope That Heals Us (Acts 5:12-16), Aaron talked about how the gospel speaks directly about God’s miracle of reconciliation in the midst of broken relationships that seem hopeless. Every day we face situations,...
To Glorify God by teaching and living out the Scriptures, transforming community into Gospel Community, and planting churches.