
Why Gospel Communities?

So far, we have discussed why community is so important (Part I & II). We saw how mankind reflects our Trinitarian God who is God-in-Community with Himself and who defines perfect community. We also looked at how community relates to the Gospel; how the...


The Song of Solomon for Singles

By Will Flathers I have the gift of singleness; by which I mean, I am single. So what about Song of Solomon? What about our “Summer of Love?” Is this sermon series merely rubbing salt in the wound? Should I simply save the sermon audio in hopes that I’ll need it...


Creed(s): More Than a Band

What value did the creeds have for the church (during the time that they were created and used the most)? This is an easy and short answer….maybe. The English word “creed” comes from the Latin word “Credo” which simply means, “I believe.” The most popular of all...


Why Community Matters Part II

We're looking at why the issue of community is so important for the church, so we can then explain how Gospel Communities fit into the the picture of Element. In Part I we discussed the Trinity and the Gospel. Discipleship – That’s Why Community Matters...


Why Community Matters Part I

As you are probably aware, we have been strongly encouraging people to get involved with a Gospel Community. In order to help everyone get a better sense of why we are heading in this direction and what that might look like, we are going to start a series of...

Element Global

All of Life is Repentance

It is important to consider how the gospel affects and transforms the act of repentance. The attached article by Tim Keller covers: The Transformation of Repentance Religious Repentance is selfish. The disciplines of Gospel-repentance DOWNLOAD PDF - All of Life if...