Our Blog
Lone Pine Island
By Holly DeKorte You might have had someone in your life say to you, “I’m a Christian, but I don’t go to church.” What is your response to that statement? Do you want to throw Bible verses in the person’s face, do you want to shrug and let it go, or do you want to...
We Wish You A Merry Christmas – 2019
We wish you a very Merry Christmas 2019!...
The Morning After
By Kelly Borjas: The Monday after Thanksgiving started—and all I could see was my to-do list. Piles of laundry, recovering from company, cookies to bake for school performances, Christmas cards to send, presents to buy, and a smattering of holiday events...
In The Name of Freedom
By Kelly Borjas: I have a love-hate relationship with my scale, and recently it’s been more on the side of hate. When it shows the number I want (or progress), I love it, but when it goes the wrong direction I’m moody and frustrated, fixated on the problem (and...
By Holly Dekorte: Maybe it is because I teach English Language Arts, maybe it is because my parents nurtured my imagination, or maybe it is because books and I have always been friends. Whatever the reason, God often speaks to me using metaphor. He pulls me into a...
Hope In The Hopless
By Kelly Borjas I’ll never forget when I was younger, living in Colorado, the massive pain of the Columbine Massacre—the images and news coverage; the sheer horror. A couple years ago, I woke up to the news on my phone of the Las Vegas shootings, and shot out of...
Anxiety, Depression, and Struggles—Oh My!
By Kelly Borjas: While reading in my Bible this morning, I noticed something interesting. In Psalm 30:11-12, the Psalmist says: “You have turned for me my mourning into dancing, you have loosed sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, that my glory may sing your...
Just Say No!
By Kelly Borjas: Many of us will remember the phrase from our younger years in the context of peer pressure and drugs, “just say no.” It was an important message then and I find it to be an increasingly important one now in my adult life, but for a different...
We live in the 9th Post-Christian City (Study)
Last Sunday, Aaron referenced a recent study that shows that the corridor between Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo is the 9th Most 'Post-Christian' areas in America. Check out these articles for the full study:...
How Do I Handle an Unjust Boss? Part 2
Last week's blog post we looked at the question that was posed in one of our Gospel Communities related to Colossians 3:22-4:1, “What if your boss isn’t worth following? What if they are unfair and unjust?” The Bible presents a number of teachings which can be...
To Glorify God by teaching and living out the Scriptures, transforming community into Gospel Community, and planting churches.