Vitalant Blood Drive Soon

Annual Blood Drive

Something we have done the past couple years and has been a great, tangible way to give back to our community is to host a blood drive so we are doing it again. The event will be March 19th from 10a-1:30p. Sign ups are required ahead of time....

The Weekender
Events, Current Events

The Weekender

THE WEEKENDER The Weekender is a 2-day event intended for anyone who wants to move beyond simply attending services and explore how to get better connected. Friday night includes dinner with staff, elders, and other leaders, as well as an introduction to Element’s...

GriefShare Ministry
Past Events

GriefShare 2025

Element's next round of GriefShare, a 14-week support group for those who have lost a loved one, will be taking place on Tuesday nights from 6-8 PM starting January 27th. The Griefshare process includes video lessons, group discussions, and workbook exercises to...

Coffee with Cops
Past Events

Coffee with Cops

We are hosting this event in partnership with the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department. We want to strengthen the relationship between our church, our local law enforcement, and our community so we will be hanging out, playing games, connecting with some local...