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Aaron Carlberg - June 30, 2019

Week 5. The Miracle of the Ordinary - I Believe in Miracles

The beauty of God rescuing us from our broken places in life shows His desire to seek and save us even when there is nothing “good” in us. Many religious traditions say, “The good are in, and the bad are out. The disciplined are in, and the undisciplined are out,” but God rescues us because of His grace, not our merit. The glory of the gospel is that because of the grace of Jesus, the humbled are in, and the proud are out (though still being called and offered a life of humbleness). God comes and works in our normal, ordinary existence, and we must realize that there are not a lot of quick fixes in our life. When we serve, we will find that serving others is hard because people are hard and will try our patience. The ordinary is where God develops Christlikeness, character, and a life that gives God His glory.

From Series: "I Believe In Miracles"

Have you ever read about a miracle in the Bible that captivated your imagination? Our summer series, I Believe in Miracles, will cover many of these miracles that have captured our imagination, but hopefully take a different approach to them as well. Miracles always served a purpose…it wasn’t to make us simply “oooo” and “aweee,” they were display a truth about God and His character. All miracles are meant to bring glory to God and further His kingdom.

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