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Various Speakers - July 28, 2019

Week 9. Resurrection - I Believe in Miracles

I Believe In Miracles

We are in the middle of a topical sermon about Miracles, and today we take a look at the miracle of the resurrection! Jon spoke about how there are historical facts surrounding the resurrection that are difficult to avoid. The historical facts are that: 1) Jesus was a historical person. 2) Jesus was crucified and buried. 3) three days after His death, Jesus body went missing. 4) There were reported appearances of Jesus over the course of 40 days to both believers and unbelievers. 5) Individuals who Jesus appeared to during this time had their lives transformed and began to proclaim Christ’s resurrection even up to the point of being martyred for their proclamation. 6) By A.D. 325, 51% of the Roman Empire claimed Christ as Lord!

From Series: "I Believe In Miracles"

Have you ever read about a miracle in the Bible that captivated your imagination? Our summer series, I Believe in Miracles, will cover many of these miracles that have captured our imagination, but hopefully take a different approach to them as well. Miracles always served a purpose…it wasn’t to make us simply “oooo” and “aweee,” they were display a truth about God and His character. All miracles are meant to bring glory to God and further His kingdom.

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