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Aaron Carlberg - August 11, 2019

Week 11. Parting Seas - I Believe in Miracles

Modern Philosophers will say things to the effect that to be free, having no lord or master, to belong to yourself, is impossible. We are a people who are never truly our own, something always owns us in a way. This is why when God calls for His people’s freedom in the Exodus narrative He doesn’t just say, “Let my people go,” in reality He says, “Let my people go, so that they may worship me.” He says this because we are not free until we begin to worship the right thing in the right way. As an American, this is a radically different understanding of freedom: that unless Jesus is the absolute Lord of our life, we’re a slave to something else.

From Series: "I Believe In Miracles"

Have you ever read about a miracle in the Bible that captivated your imagination? Our summer series, I Believe in Miracles, will cover many of these miracles that have captured our imagination, but hopefully take a different approach to them as well. Miracles always served a purpose…it wasn’t to make us simply “oooo” and “aweee,” they were display a truth about God and His character. All miracles are meant to bring glory to God and further His kingdom.

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