Aaron Carlberg - August 18, 2019

Week 12. Manna in the Desert - I Believe in Miracles

I Believe In Miracles

God doesn’t zap us into maturity, He leads us in a process. At times that process can be painful, arduous, and long, but it’s a process in which we are not an object to Him; we’re His people. We cooperate, we participate in a personal process of growth. Manna was about relationship with God and others, we can’t live without God and we were not meant to live without each other. We are meant to gather with people who are on the same journey we are and talk about it, to lift each other up when they fall down, admonish each other, and help each other think about Jesus more as we gather what God has daily given us. We are reminded to remind one another of all that has come into our hands through God’s miraculous grace.

From Series: "I Believe In Miracles"

Have you ever read about a miracle in the Bible that captivated your imagination? Our summer series, I Believe in Miracles, will cover many of these miracles that have captured our imagination, but hopefully take a different approach to them as well. Miracles always served a purpose…it wasn’t to make us simply “oooo” and “aweee,” they were display a truth about God and His character. All miracles are meant to bring glory to God and further His kingdom.

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