Aaron Carlberg - July 9, 2023

Week 26. Galatians - Boast in the Cross

If we look to use Galatians for its intended purpose, we can gain so much valuable understanding from it. The end of the letter is more than a wrap-up; it is a reiteration of the letter’s entire aim. Galatians 6:14 is one of the best verses in Galatians and most of the Bible, because it explains the meaning and the power of the cross. (NIV) “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” It seems that this WHOLE letter, the WHOLE last 26 weeks is a call to boast in the cross of Christ alone! We can only boast in the cross, however, if we truly understand what it means.

From Series: "Galatians"

Galatians is a book about God’s grace as seen specifically in the Gospel.

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