Aaron Carlberg - December 15, 2024

The Carols Week 3 - Hark, Herald, And Reconciliation

Today we will look at the theological depth behind “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” and its scriptural foundations. The angels’ announcement to shepherds show God’s pattern of subverting power dynamics by revealing Himself to the broken and outcast. Through Christ’s birth, work, life, death, and resurrection God reconciles sinners to Himself, making us new creations. The good news is that God knew all our failures yet chose, loved, and called us anyway, bringing true reconciliation and peace through Christ.

Scripture References: Psalms 98:1-9

From Series: "The Carols"

A lot of us know, or have heard, the traditional Christmas songs that come with the season, but do we understand them? We want to look at what the scriptures have inspired and close the gap between what we sing—and what we understand—about Christmas.

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