Aaron Carlberg - January 29, 2017

04: Authority Calling Disciples - Matthew 8:18-22


After the Sermon on the Mount the crowds are amazed at Jesus’ teaching because He speaks with such Authority. Matthew chapters 8-9 shows us that authority. Today we see Jesus’ authority in how He calls disciples to follow Him. In Matthew and Luke, Jesus seems to do the opposite of what most people would consider as “warm and friendly”; He actually seems to push people away. In churches today, we preach Jesus like He is chocolate and stand amazed that some people don’t want the “chocolate Jesus.” When people intentionally go to Jesus and tell Him they want to follow Him, His response is more often than not, “you better think about that before you commit.”

From Series: "Authority"

At the end of the Sermon on the Mount Matthew talks about people being astonished because Jesus spoke as one who had authority (Matthew 7:28-29 And when Jesus finished these sayings the crowds were astonished at his teaching for he was teaching them as one who had authority). In the follow 2 chapters (Matthew 8-9) he goes on to give us 14 ways Jesus proved that authority by His actions. In Matthew 8-9, Matthew is trying to get us to see that authority because it is not only the authority of a King, but also the authority of our great God.

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