Aaron Carlberg - December 15, 2019

3. Mary's Song: Luke 1:46-55 (Songs of Christmas)

We are looking at the songs, poems, and words that were sung or spoken over the events that led to what we would call the “first Christmas.” The Gospel of Luke gives very specific details about the event: Jesus was wrapped in “swaddling clothes,” and placed in a “manger.” These details speak of the nature of God and His character: meek, humble, and true. The wonderful point of Jesus’ birth is that He came into the world to atone for our sins, He was resurrected, and that He’s alive today. That is what we celebrate in the holidays of Easter and Christmas; it is cause for celebration every day, not just once a year.

From Series: "Songs of Christmas"

There are many Christmas songs that involve reindeer, heat misers, presents, silver bells, and elves, but almost no one sings the actual songs that were sung around the birth of Jesus. In the Bible there are 4 (or 5) songs at the birth of Jesus. Technically there are 4 with the 5th being alluded to, but we wanted to look at the songs we don’t know the tune to, to get a better picture of how the Christmas would have been perceived.

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