Aaron Carlberg - December 10, 2017

Jingle All The Way 3: Hazardous Families

This week, in our series "Jingle All The Way," where we look at the stresses of Christmas, we look at family members or people who are Hazardous. Before you start thinking, “Hey, it’s Christmas time! Let’s talk about all things merry and bright!” keep in mind that with the reality of Jesus’ birth, God provided a way to restore not just our eternal hope for salvation, but our view of family. Restored relationship with God is the ultimate gift…we can’t get more of a merry Christmas than that! Synonyms for hazardous include: Risky, Dangerous, Unsafe, Lethal and Insecure.

From Series: "Jingle All The Way"

As we head into Christmas, it is usually a time when family gets together in various degrees; sometimes those family interactions don’t go so well. We are doing a short Christmas series called “Jingle All The Way” because most people feel like we have to act happy and everything is OK when the hard family members show up (we “jingle all the way”). Plus it is the name of an old Arnold Schwarzenegger movie and we had to (at some point) use an Arnold movie title for something. If we are honest, we can all admit that families are hard. In the church we are called a family because God has made us family by adopting us, it starts and ends with Him. Even if you don’t have messed up people in your biological “family” you will have them in the church, so we want to help you to know how to navigate some of that. We plan to look at many dysfunctional family dynamics and then discuss how we are sent to make a difference and be Jesus’ hands and feet to this world.

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