Aaron Carlberg - January 17, 2021

Week 2. Restoration - The Greatest Story Ever ReTold

The Greatest Story Ever Retold

The cross was Rome’s ultimate form of rejection and we see in Isaiah 53:5 that Jesus would be despised and rejected not just by the Jewish nation or the Romans, but all of us. The story of the Woman at the Well isn’t about the woman or us, it is about Jesus…the most rejected person in the Bible is God Himself. At the cross, our rejection of God and God’s acceptance of us comes together by a miracle of His grace.

From Series: "The Greatest Story Ever Retold"

Believe it or not, there is a Christian culture inside the church in America. We are the product of what is known as Western civilization. Western thinkers, which is what we are, have a tendency to see things in a linear fashion (A, B, C…), but many times Hebrew (or non-western) writers would put pen to paper in a totally different flow. In The Greatest Story Ever RE-told we are going to look at a some bible passages and stories that we have RE-narrated to fit our cultural context and hopefully help us to see the original story that was told.

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