Aaron Carlberg - April 11, 2021

Week 6. Honor and Shame Part 1 - The Greatest Story Ever ReTold

The type of culture much of the Bible was written in was one that focused upon honor and shame. American culture is what is known as an individualistic culture. An individualistic culture tends to be a right/wrong culture (innocence versus guilt). An honor/shame culture is not focused on an individual, but the community. Right and wrong in both cultures will be viewed differently, but God will use both types of cultures to speak of Himself and draw us to Himself.

From Series: "The Greatest Story Ever Retold"

Believe it or not, there is a Christian culture inside the church in America. We are the product of what is known as Western civilization. Western thinkers, which is what we are, have a tendency to see things in a linear fashion (A, B, C…), but many times Hebrew (or non-western) writers would put pen to paper in a totally different flow. In The Greatest Story Ever RE-told we are going to look at a some bible passages and stories that we have RE-narrated to fit our cultural context and hopefully help us to see the original story that was told.

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