Aaron Carlberg - May 2, 2021

Week 9. Nehushtan, John 3:16 - The Greatest Story Ever ReTold

The Greatest Story Ever Retold

We have a problem; our hearts are not centered on God. As a result of not being centered on God there is an infinite discontent and dissatisfaction that our lives have built up with everything. In Numbers 21 we are being shown a correlation of what is happening in Israel’s bodies is exactly what was happening in their souls. We have an unquenchable, all-consuming thirst that will eventually (if there’s not some supernatural intervention in our life) lead us to believe that nothing is good enough.

From Series: "The Greatest Story Ever Retold"

Believe it or not, there is a Christian culture inside the church in America. We are the product of what is known as Western civilization. Western thinkers, which is what we are, have a tendency to see things in a linear fashion (A, B, C…), but many times Hebrew (or non-western) writers would put pen to paper in a totally different flow. In The Greatest Story Ever RE-told we are going to look at a some bible passages and stories that we have RE-narrated to fit our cultural context and hopefully help us to see the original story that was told.

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