A Christmas Blog That is Just For Fun

What is the big deal about egg nog, really? I don’t really like eggs (unless they are runny and scrambled) and I have no idea what a nog is or why I would want to drink it.

Eggnog actually came to America from Europe. Eggnog is related to various milk and wine punches that had been concocted long ago in the “Old World”. However, as America is won’t to do, we spiced it up just a bit. Wine apparently didn’t have the alcohol content that we craved so we used Rum in place of wine.

Which leads to another weird question like, who in the world makes punch with wine (don’t say Sangria Matt).

In Colonial America, rum was commonly called “grog”, so the name eggnog is probably (and I stress the “maybe not so much” portion of probably) derived from the very descriptive term for this drink, “egg-and-grog”, which corrupted to egg’n’grog and soon to eggnog.

So, grog…ya, that’s doesn’t sound like something I want either.

Merry Christmas

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