Aaron Carlberg - April 17, 2022

Easter 2022: Doubting Doubts

In our world today, people have a lot of questions about God. When we do not face our doubts or fears about our beliefs, we lack a truly genuine faith (trust). When we work through honest (not self-serving) doubts, that effort can begin to grow our trust in God. Too many people think that in order to believe in Jesus, they have to turn their minds off…we see in the example of Thomas that is just not true! Today we deal with the real doubts of one of Jesus’ own disciples, the man eternally dubbed as “Doubting Thomas.” Thomas is a story not about how we can get rid of all our doubts, but what to do with our doubts. By seeing Jesus for who He is, and not who we try to make Him out to be, we can experience deeper trust in who He is.

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