A couple of weeks ago in his message titled Acts 14: A Hope That Heals Us (Acts 5:12-16), Aaron talked about how the gospel speaks directly about God’s miracle of reconciliation in the midst of broken relationships that seem hopeless.
Every day we face situations, circumstances, people, and desires that are broken and hurting that the Gospel can speak good news into. We get to be His people who know and speak God’s truth into not only our lives, but the lives of those we live with in community. Jeff Vanderstelt calls this being ‘Gospel Fluent’ – a language of redemption in all areas of life. And just like any other language, it needs to be studied and practiced much before it becomes second nature.
The Verge Network has released an eBook called “Gospel Fluency: The Key to Effective Disciplemaking” from one of Jeff’s talks. I want to pull a little from of the ‘everyday situations’ section of that book here.
The Gospel and Finances
When was the last time you counseled someone with finances and you said, “Okay, before we go anywhere, I just need to let you know the God of the universe has all the resources you need today, that you are co-heir with Christ.
Therefore, you are as rich as you could ever imagine. That He who was rich became poor so that in His poverty, you might become rich. So that should make you the most generous and eager to give because you know that even though He lost it all, He got it all back.” And let me ask you, do you know much about first fruits? Because see, Jesus is the first fruit of a new creation.
And God was willing to give His own son so that with Him, He might take in everyone else. Do you know that idea of first fruits, that you give the very best that you have, trusting that God will complete what He started in your life?
And you won’t have to worry about your provision tomorrow because when you give it to Him and trust Him with it, He will give you everything you need. How will He not also, with Christ, give you every good gift?
The Gospel and Debt
How do we counsel people in the area of finances? They’re in debt. Why are they in debt? Because they went somewhere else to find great satisfaction, and they became an addict of a thing that didn’t satisfy them. That’s what’s going on.
They thought that by buying more, I’ll feel better. But it didn’t make it better, so I kept buying. And I became a worshipper at the marketplace. And what they don’t need is better financial counsel first. Rather, they need to repent and turn to Jesus Christ who’s the only one who deeply satisfies their longing.
Because if we’re not, what we’re telling people is Jesus is really good when it has to do with your standing with God and your eternal destiny, but he doesn’t really know a whole lot about finances.
The Gospel and Sex
What about sex? The reason why you wait to have sex till after you’re married is because you’re telling the story of Jesus Christ through your purity. That’s why. We don’t wait to have sex till we’re married so we can have better sex. We wait to have sex till we’re married because Jesus is the one who, with His own life, purchased his bride.
And then He said, “I will wait to return to consummate.” You want to talk about someone who’s waiting a long time? It’s been over 2,000 years from my count, and He’s doing pretty well at being faithful to His bride.
That’s the story we’re telling. It’s not about you. It’s about Jesus. Don’t give people counsel about sexuality without helping them to understand the whole point of it is to tell the story of God’s faithfulness to His bride.
Read more of Jeff’s words and download the entire ebook at the Verge website here.