Aaron Carlberg - March 12, 2017

10: Authority Over Restoration - Matthew 9:18-26

Today, in part, we will look at the question of Jesus’ seeming confusion over who touched Him during a healing and what it really means, but we will also examine His authority over what makes a person clean and unclean. We will look at how Jesus intends to restore people into community because the community around us matters.

From Series: "Authority"

At the end of the Sermon on the Mount Matthew talks about people being astonished because Jesus spoke as one who had authority (Matthew 7:28-29 And when Jesus finished these sayings the crowds were astonished at his teaching for he was teaching them as one who had authority). In the follow 2 chapters (Matthew 8-9) he goes on to give us 14 ways Jesus proved that authority by His actions. In Matthew 8-9, Matthew is trying to get us to see that authority because it is not only the authority of a King, but also the authority of our great God.

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