Aaron Carlberg - November 25, 2018

12. The Dance of God | The Reason For God Chapter 14 and the Epilogue

Today is our last week in our Reason for God series based out of Tim Keller’s book with the same title. Over the last 3 months we have hopefully moved you to a better trust and understanding of who God is, why the Scriptures can be trusted, and how the Bible’s account of the world actually makes the most sense. Keller uses the last chapter of the book to draw everything together and calls it, “The Dance of God.” He sums up the Bible in the standard 4 part narrative of Creation, Fall, Redemption and Restoration.

From Series: "The Reason For God"

Join us as we take a 12 week journey through Timothy Keller’s book “The Reason For God,” in an effort to help us understand how real and reasonable it is to believe in who God says He is.

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