Steve Pruett - March 25, 2020

EU Lesson 17: The Burial, Resurrection And Ascension of Jesus

Element U: The Unfolding Mystery of Redemption

From Series: "Element U: The Unfolding Mystery of Redemption"

The Unfolding Mystery of Redemption: God's Gracious Plan to Redeem the Human Race. It is a series of lessons that present the plan of salvation as an unfolding story through the Old Testament and the Gospels. The journey through the Scriptures is not is not just a Bible Overview or Bible History course. We will not stop off at every story, but will highlight the events that are particularly helpful in preparing people’s hearts for an understanding of the good news of our Redeemer’s work. Our Plan is to take 9 weeks to walk through the Story, discovering how God "unfolded" His plan to the human race. As the story unfolds, it reveals the Power, the Love and the Holiness of God, as well as the devastating consequences of sin, and our helplessness to save ourselves. Little by little, through the connected stories, we will slowly but clearly see everyone’s need for a Redeemer/Savior. In the Old Testament We’ll see: - the qualifications required of the Savior, - the predictions of what the Savior would be like, - and specific things that the prophets said would identify Him, And then we’ll go to the New Testament Gospels, and take a look at the Man called Jesus, and consider Him as a candidate for the position of Redeemer. As we do, we see how Jesus uniquely fulfills both the Requirements and the Prophecies, and we gain a firm foundation for our Faith in Him as our only hope for redemption. Our hope is that we will all come away with a clearer understanding and appreciation of our own firm foundation, and also gather some great tools that will help us share the story with others.

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