Let’s All Give Up in 2015 (Part I)

Ok, ok, ok, I know what you have come here for. You have come to get the Element New Year’s resolution blog. It’s the week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and naturally you expect a blog about making a resolution that matters for the Lord. Well that is what you are going to get, but not exactly.

This year, instead of making big plans to change a habit or start a program, I think you should just resolve to give up. Yep, give up. More accurately, I think you should give up your plans, your will, your desires, and submit. Submit to the Lordship of Christ. Don’t act so deflated. The day you followed Jesus as your Savior, when you believed that God raised Him from the dead, you agreed to this arrangement. Part of salvation is declaring to the world that Jesus is Lord…of you. (Rom 10:9) Today is the day to follow through on your commitment.

“You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am.” (John 13:13) “Lord” is a word that has lost some meaning in the parlance of our times. Our closest modern use of the word is in reference to the English landed gentry, sort of a Lord Grantham, Downton Abbey arrangement with very dramatic maids and butlers. “Lord,” in the sense “Jesus is Lord,” means the one to whom full and unwavering allegiance is owed. Your Lord is the one to whom you submit your will implicitly, yielding your desires and plans to His care and direction. When you sing, “I want more of You and less of me” on Sunday morning, submission to the Lordship of Christ is what you’re singing about.

I have been reflecting on my own submission to Christ as Lord of my life, and I want to encourage you to do the same. Starting next week, I hope to show you some important truths about our Lord Jesus found within Hebrews 8-11. As I study these verses I am continually stretched and challenged, as you will be in your walk with Christ. These chapters make a few things very clear: Jesus is worthy to be called Lord, because He is Lord; we are blessed; and as a Christian there is no other choice besides total submission to the Lordship of Christ. Egad! I know, heavy. I will do my best.

Should you choose to give up like I have, here is how to prepare for the next installment, first, read Hebrews chapter 8. These verses help establish why Jesus is Lord. As we read, let’s pray for understanding of the text and conviction about the state of our submission to our Lord. We will consider submitting to what Jesus commands of us as Lord: to love the Lord our God with all of our soul, strength and mind and to love our neighbors as ourselves (Luke 10:27). Are you and I obeying our Lord’s commands with our thoughts, with our finances, with our actions?

John 13 recounts the last supper when Jesus washes His disciples’ feet. When Jesus begins to wash the feet of his disciple Peter, Peter rebukes Jesus saying, “You shall never wash my feet.” Thinking he was being noble, Peter rejected the Lordship of Christ for his own concept of righteousness. Jesus told Peter (and us) that if He did not wash Peter’s feet then he has no share with Him. Jesus shows us that if we submit to Him, He will accomplish the work of making us righteous.

Submission to the Lord is not about righteousness through works, nor is it about beating yourself up. Submission is about obeying God, who loves you and willingly paid your penalty. Submission is the avenue by which our old life passes away and we are made useful to the Kingdom.

The Prophet Samuel told Israel when they asked for a King that they dishonored God. When we place our desires over God’s will, we make ourselves king (1 Sam 10:17-27). Submission restores Christ to His rightful place as Lord over our lives and is the foundation of a personal relationship with Him. All of the “work” we have done for the Lord to earn our righteousness is counted as loss, when compared to the awesomeness of knowing Him. Submission is the way we can know our Lord intimately (Phil 3:4-11).

See you next time in Hebrews Ch 8. Now let’s all “GIVE UP in 2015”.


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